iPhone/iPad: Doppler doesn't show album artwork

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If you added music by connecting your Music app:

Your artwork should appear automatically in Doppler.

If you added music to Doppler this way and you don’t see artwork, please contact us.

If you added music by adding music files directly (e.g. AirDrop, Files app, Mac Transfer, Wi-Fi Transfer):

Doppler will automatically show artwork for files that have embedded artwork. If your music has artwork embedded in the files and you do not see them, please let me know.

If you use a separate cover.jpg or folder.jpg file for artwork, Doppler will not automatically use this. You can select the artwork file using the guide below and choosing the “Use artwork from file” option.

If your music doesn’t have any artwork, Doppler will not show any artwork. You can add new artwork by following the guide below.

How to change album artwork in Doppler

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