How to use Liked Songs

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Doppler for Mac

How to like/unlike a song in Doppler for Mac

Control-click a song in your library and then select “Like Song”. To unlike, control-click the song again and select “Unlike Song”.

You can also like/unlike the currently playing song: Click the heart button at the bottom of the Doppler window to toggle like on/off. A filled heart means you have “liked” the current song, and an outline means you have not “liked” the current song.

How to view my liked songs in Doppler for Mac

You can find a list of all the songs you have liked by clicking the “Liked Songs” option in the sidebar.

Doppler for iPhone

How to like/unlike a song in Doppler for iPhone

Tap the options button (•••) on a song in your library and then select “Like Song”. To unlike, tap the options button (•••) again, and select “Unlike Song”.

You can also like/unlike the currently playing song: Tap the current song at the bottom of the screen to show the Now Playing screen. From the Now Playing screen, you can tap the heart button next to the name of the song to toggle like on/off. A filled heart means you have “liked” the current song, and an outline means you have not “liked” the current song.

How to view my liked songs in Doppler for iPhone

Doppler puts all of your liked songs in a “Liked Songs” playlist. You can find this at the top of the Playlists screen.

To open the Playlists screen, open the main Library screen in Doppler. At the top of your library tap the “Playlists” option.

Note: if you don’t see Playlists at the top of your Library screen, tap “Edit” in the top-right and switch on Playlists.

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